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Gaskets for Clamp Fittings

Gaskets for Clamp Fittings

Product description

The gaskets are used as sealing elements between two stainless-steel CLAMP fittings sealed by means of a special collar in which no bolting is required. The hemispherical surfaces of the gasket allow self-centering and coupling with the groove on both fittings. The gaskets are turned from PTFE and can be made in different compounds (shore 70 ± 5): NBR, EPDM, LIQUID SILICONE LSR and FKM. The jointing ensures easy cleaning and quick replacement, enabling the cleaning, hygiene and sterilization requirements of certain industries to be met.

T Min°C
T Max°C


They are mainly used in the food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

Notice: The operating temperature and pressure limits do not apply simultaneously, they depend on various factors and can only be indicated for guidance purposes



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Cristiani Bisconti Srl - Villasanta, Via San Fiorano 71|73, C.F. 00890120157, P.IVA 00699150967.

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