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Product description

Pneumatic rack & pinion actuators designed for aggressive environments. Made with all external parts in AISI 316, NAMUR and ISO interface, unique and patented double register for ±10° adjustment in both opening and closing. The version made of technopolymer designed to resist corrosive environments characterized by the presence of acids and alkalis is available. Available in 3 sizes up to 60 Nm Double Effect (at 6 Bar).

T Min°C
T Max°C


They are mainly used in the energy, petrochemical and water management sectors, but also in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries in order to guarantee automation in any type of industrial process.

Notice: The operating temperature and pressure limits do not apply simultaneously, they depend on various factors and can only be indicated for guidance purposes



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Cristiani Bisconti Srl - Villasanta, Via San Fiorano 71|73, C.F. 00890120157, P.IVA 00699150967.

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